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Our RHS Partner Garden

The internationally acclaimed, RHS partner garden at the Dingle is the lifetime work of Barbara and Roy Joseph. The 4.5 acre garden is run by her grandson Duncan and his wife Clare, with the support of the Joseph family and knowledgeable team at the adjoining nursery. Barbara has created a secluded and beautiful area within mid Wales’ rolling hills, which serves to inspire visitors all year round.

The garden is especially well known for its colour-themed and unusual planting which includes lakeside, lawned and mixed bed areas that showcase a wide and unusual range of shrub, tree and herbaceous planting. The stream fed lake and the huge array of plant species make this sheltered dingle a haven for all types of wildlife. It offers a perfect opportunity to go bird-watching, take a relaxed stroll, entertain the children while they search out hiding places and dens, enjoy a picnic lunch, or simply gain inspiration for that next gardening idea.

  • Admission charges for Adults: £3.50
  • Under 16's & RHS members Free
  • Dogs on leads are welcome