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Welcome to

Dingle Nurseries & Garden

Located in Welshpool, Powys.

Welcome to Dingle Nurseries & Garden

A Family-Run Business of Over 50 Years

Our retail staff are all keen gardeners themselves, with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

With access to our large wholesale division, we are able to offer a fantastic choice of varieties and sizes for private gardens as well as inexpensive plants for major garden projects.

Dingle Nurseries & Garden

Our Range

We stock a huge, comprehensive range of many species from alpines to mature shrubs and trees, including varieties not generally offered in most nurseries. Popular species include...

  • Conifers

  • Fruit Trees

    fruit tree
  • Japanese Acers

    acer plant
  • Perennials

  • Soft Fruit

    soft fruit tree

Our Nursery

A wealth of experience and industry contacts built up over many years means that the Dingle Nursery is well placed to provide an excellent starting point for your garden projects, whether a country estate or a tiny patio, we can supply the plants you need at extremely competitive prices.

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Our Garden

Our RHS Partner Garden offers a perfect opportunity to go bird-watching, take a relaxed stroll, entertain the children while they search our hiding places and dens, enjoy a picnic lunch, or simply gain inspiration for that next gardening idea.

Dogs on leads are welcome!

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One of the UK's largest tree & plant suppliers, in business for over fifty years.